Call Now: 1-800-284-2288 |
SecOptx: bc62vir |
1/3” Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Bullet Camera
The SecOptx BC62VIR is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Bullet Camera.
SecOptx: bc63fc |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Color Camera
The SecOptx BC63FC is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Color Camera.
SecOptx: bc63fir |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Bullet Camera
The SecOptx BC63FIR is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Bullet Camera.
SecOptx: bch62vir |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Bullet Camera
The SecOptx BCH62VIR is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Bullet Camera.
SecOptx: bch63vir |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Camera
The SecOptx BCH63VIR/BCH65VIR is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Camera.
SecOptx: g3mfc12-5m |
12.5mm Megapixel Lens
The SecOptx G3MFC12.5M is a 12.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: g3mfc16m |
16mm Megapixel Lens
The SecOptx G3MFC16M is a 16mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: g3mfc25m |
25mm Megapixel Lens
The SecOptx G3MFC25M is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: g3mfc35m |
35mm Megapixel Lens
The SecOptx G3MFC35M is a 35mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: g3mfc50m |
50mm Megapixel Lens
The SecOptx G3MFC50M is a 50mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: g3mfc75m |
75mm Megapixel Lens
The SecOptx G3MFC75M is a 75mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: g3mfc8m |
8mm Megapixel Lens
The SecOptx G3MFC8M is a 8mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc25d |
25mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC25D is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc25m |
25mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC25M is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc25m-2 |
25mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC25M-2 is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc25v |
25mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC25V is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc50d |
50mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC50D is a 50mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc50m |
50mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC50M is a 50mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc50v |
50mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC50V is a 50mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc75d |
75mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC75D is a 75mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc75m |
75mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC75M is a 75mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gfc75v |
75mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx GFC75V is a 75mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: gl-h2mvcs410dir |
4.5-10mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-H2MVCS410DIR is a 4.5-10mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-h2mvcs410mir |
4.5-10mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-H2MVCS410MIR is a 4.5-10mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-id53fc |
1/3" Color CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx GL-H2MVCS410DIR is a 1/3" Color CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: gl-l1mvcs212dir |
2.8-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-L1MVCS212DIR is a 2.8-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-l1mvcs212mir |
2.8-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-L1MVCS212MIR is a 2.8-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-lvcs212dir |
2.8-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-LVCS212DIR is a 2.8-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-lvcs358d |
3.5-8mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-LVCS358D is a 3.5-8mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-lvcs5100d |
5-100mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-LVCS5100D is a 5-100mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-lvcs660d |
6-60mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx GL-LVCS660D is a 6-60mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: gl-od44fir |
1/3" Color Sony CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx GL-OD44FIR is a 1/3" Color Sony CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: gl-sc5e |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Box Camera
The SecOptx GL-SC5E is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Box Camera.
SecOptx: gzc10x16m |
16-160mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx GZC10X16M is a 16-160mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: gzc10x16mnv |
16-160mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx GZC10X16MNV is a 16-160mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: gzc6x16mac |
16-100mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx GZC6X16MAC is a 16-100mm Manual zoom lens.
SecOptx: h1mfc6m-2 |
6mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx H1MFC6M-2 is a 6mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: h1mvc411m |
4.4-11mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H1MVC411M is a 4.4-11mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h1mvc880dir |
8-80mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H1MVC880DIR is a 8-80mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h1mvc880dir-2 |
8-80mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H1MVC880DIR-2 is a 8-80mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h1mvc880mir |
8-80mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H1MVC880MIR is a 8-80mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h3mfcs1-5mir |
1.5mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx H3MFCS1.5MIR is a 1.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: h3mvc1050dir |
10-50mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H3MVC1050DIR is a 10-50mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h3mvc1050mir |
10-50mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H3MVC1050MIR is a 10-50mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h3mvcs310dir |
3-10mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H3MVCS310DIR is a 3-10mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h3mvcs310mir |
3.9-10mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H3MVCS310MIR is a 3.9-10mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h5mvcs1648mir |
16-48mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H5MVCS1648MIR is a 16-48mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h5mvcs413dir |
4.5-13mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H5MVCS413DIR is a 4.5-13mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: h5mvcs413mir |
4.5-13mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx H5MVCS413MIR is a 4.5-13mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hfc12d |
12mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC12D is a 12mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc12m |
12mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC12M is a 12mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc12m-2 |
12mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC12M-2 is a 12mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc12v |
12mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC12V is a 12mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc3-5d |
3.5mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC3-5D is a 3.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc3-5m |
3.5mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC3-5M is a 3.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc3-5m-2 |
3.5mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC3-5M-2 is a 3.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc3-5v |
3.5mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC3-5V is a 3.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc6d |
6mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC6D is a 6mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc6m |
6mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC6M is a 6mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc6v |
6mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC6V is a 6mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfc6v-2 |
6mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFC6V-2 is a 6mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfcs12v-2 |
12mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFCS12V-2 is a 12mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hfcs6v-2 |
6mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx HFCS6V-2 is a 6mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: hvc10120d |
10-120mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC10120D is a 10-120mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc10120m |
10-120mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC10120M is a 10-120mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc16160d |
16-160mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC16160D is a 16-160mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc612d |
6-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC612D is a 6-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc612m |
6-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC612M is a 6-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc612v |
6-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC612V is a 6-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc851d |
8.5-51mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC851D is a 8.5-51mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc851m |
8.5-51mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC851M is a 8.5-51mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc851v |
8.5-51mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC851V is a 8.5-51mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc880dir |
8-80mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC880DIR is a 8-80mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc880mir |
8-80mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC880MIR is a 8-80mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc885d |
8.5-85mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC885D is a 8.5-85mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc885m |
8.5-85mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC885M is a 8.5-85mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc885v |
8.5-85mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC885V is a 8.5-85mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc990dir |
9-90mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC990DIR is a 9-90mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvc990mir |
9-90mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVC990MIR is a 9-90mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs612d |
6-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS612D is a 6-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs612m |
6-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS612M is a 6-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs612v |
6-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS612V is a 6-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs851d |
8.5-51mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS851D is a 8.5-51mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs851m |
8.5-51mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS851M is a 8.5-51mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs851v |
8.5-51mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS851V is a 8.5-51mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs885d |
8.5-85mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS885D is a 8.5-85mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs885m |
8.5-85mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS885M is a 8.5-85mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hvcs885v |
8.5-85mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx HVCS885V is a 8.5-85mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: hzc10x85m |
8.5-85mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC10X85M is a 8.5-85mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc10x85mnd |
8.5-85mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC10X85MND is a 8.5-85mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc10x8m |
8-80mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC10X8M is a 8-80mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc10x8mnv |
8-80mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC10X8MNV is a 8-80mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc16x6-5mnv |
6.5-104mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC16X6-5MNV is a 6.5-104mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc20x8mir |
8-160mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC20X8MIR is a 8-160mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc20x8mnvir |
8-160mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC20X8MNVIR is a 8-160mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc31x10m |
10-310mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC31X10M is a 10-310mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc31x10mnv |
10-310mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC31X10MNV is a 10-310mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc6x8 |
8-48mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC6X8 is a 8-48mm manual zoom lens
SecOptx: hzc6x8-2 |
8-48mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC6X8-2 is a 8-48mm manual zoom lens.
SecOptx: hzc6x8m |
8-48mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC6X8M is a 8-48mm manual zoom w/DC auto-iris lens.
SecOptx: hzc6x8mnv |
8-48mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC6X8MNV is a 8-48mm manual zoom w/DC auto-iris lens.
SecOptx: hzc6x8nd |
8-48mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC6X8ND is a 8-48mm manual zoom w/DC auto-iris lens.
SecOptx: hzc6x8nv |
8-48mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx HZC6X8NV is a 8-48mm manual zoom w/DC auto-iris lens.
SecOptx: id62ve |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx ID62VE is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: l1mvcs338dir |
3.3-8mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx L1MVCS338DIR is a 3.3-8mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: l2mvcs922d |
9-22mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx L2MVCS922D is a 9-22mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: l3mvcs212adir |
2.8-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx L3MVCS212ADIR is a 2.8-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: l3mvcs310d |
3-10mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx L3MVCS310D is a 3-10mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: l3mvcs310m |
3-10mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx L3MVCS310M is a 3-10mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lac-lc4 |
Zoom Lens Controller
The SecOptx LAC-LC4 is a Zoom Lens Controller.
SecOptx: lfcs2-8d |
2.8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS2-8D is a 2.8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs2-8m |
2.8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS2-8M is a 2.8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs2-8n |
2.8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS2-8N is a 2.8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs2-8v |
2.8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS2-8V is a 2.8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs4d |
4mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS4D is a 4mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs4m |
4mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS4M is a 4mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs4n |
4mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS4N is a 4mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs4v |
4mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS4V is a 4mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs8d |
8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS8D is a 8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs8m |
8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS8M is a 8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs8n |
8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS8N is a 8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lfcs8v |
8mm Fixed Lens
The SecOptx LFCS8V is a 8mm fixed focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs163d |
1.6-3.4mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS163D is a 1.6-3.4mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs163m |
1.6-3.4mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS163M is a 1.6-3.4mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs212adir |
2.7-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS212ADIR is a 2.7-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs212amir |
2.7-12mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS212AMIR is a 2.7-12mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs298adir |
2.9-8mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS298ADIR is a 2.9-8mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs298amir |
2.9-8mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS298AMIR is a 2.9-8mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs308dir |
3-8mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS308DIR is a 3-8mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs308mir |
3-8mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS308MIR is a 3-8mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs308vir |
3-8mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS308VIR is a 3-8mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs555d |
5-55mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS555D is a 5-55mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs555dir |
5-55mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS555DIR is a 5-55mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs555m |
5-55mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS555M is a 5-55mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs555mir |
5-55mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS555MIR is a 5-55mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs582d |
5.5-82.5mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS582D is a 5.5-82.5mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs582m |
5.5-82.5mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS582M is a 5.5-82.5mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs639d |
6.5-39mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS639D is a 6.5-39mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs639m |
6.5-39mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS639M is a 6.5-39mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lvcs639v |
6.5-39mm Vari-focal Lens
The SecOptx LVCS639V is a 6.5-39mm vari-focal lens.
SecOptx: lzcs10x6-5m |
6.5-65mm 3-motor Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS10X6-5M is a 6.5-65mm 3-motor zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs10x6-5mnd |
6.5-65mm 3-motor Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS10X6-5MND is a 6.5-65mm 3-motor zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs10x6-5mnv |
6.5-65mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS10X6-5MNV is a 6.5-65mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs10x6m |
6-60mm 3-motor Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS10X6M is a 6-60mm 3-motor zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs10x6mnv |
6-60mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS10X6MNV is a 6-60mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs6x6-5m |
6.5-39mm 3-motor Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS6X6-5M is a 6.5-39mm 3-motor zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs6x6-5m-2 |
6.5-39mm 3-motor Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS6X6-5M-2 is a 6.5-39mm 3-motor zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs6x6-5mnd |
6.5-39mm 3-motor Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS6X6-5MND is a 6.5-39mm 3-motor zoom lens.
SecOptx: lzcs6x6-5mnv |
6.5-39mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx LZCS6X6-5MNV is a 6.5-39mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: od62fe |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx OD62FE is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: od62vth-od65vth |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx OD62VTH/OD65VTH is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: od63fir |
1/3" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx OD63FIR is a 1/3" Color Sony Super HAD CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: s3mfc12m |
12mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC8M is a 12mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s3mfc16m |
16mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC16M is a 16mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s3mfc25m |
25mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC25M is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s3mfc25m-2 |
25mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC25M-2 is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s3mfc35m |
35mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC35M is a 35mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s3mfc35m-2 |
35mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC8M is a 35mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s3mfc50m-2 |
50mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC50M-2 is a 50mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s3mfc8m |
8mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S3MFC8M is a 8mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s5mfc12m |
12mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S5MFC12M is a 12mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s5mfc16m |
16mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S5MFC16M is a 16mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s5mfc25m |
25mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S5MFC25M is a 25mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s5mfc35m |
35mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S5MFC35M is a 35mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: s5mfc8m |
8mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx S5MFC8M is a 8mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sd12xt |
1/4" Color Sony Super HAD CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx SD12XT is a 1/4" Color Sony Super HAD CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: sd27xt-sd37xt |
1/4" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Dome Camera
The SecOptx SD27XT-SD37XT is a 1/4" 1/4" Color Sony Super HAD II CCD Dome Camera.
SecOptx: sfc16d |
16mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC16D is a 16mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc16m |
16mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC16M is a 16mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc16m-2 |
16mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC16M-2 is a 16mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc16v |
16mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC16V is a 16mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc4-8d |
4.8mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC4-8D is a 4.8mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc4-8m |
4.8mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC4-8M is a 4.8mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc4-8v |
4.8mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC4-8V is a 4.8mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc50m |
50mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC50M is a 50mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc7-5d |
7.5mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC7-5D is a 7.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc7-5m |
7.5mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC7-5M is a 7.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc7-5m-2 |
7.5mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC7-5M-2 is a 7.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: sfc7-5v |
7.5mm Fixed Focal Lens
The SecOptx SFC7-5V is a 7.5mm fixed focal length lens.
SecOptx: szc10x10m |
10-100mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC10X10M is a 10-100mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc10x10mnv |
10-100mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC10X10MNV is a 10-100mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc16x9-5m |
9.5-152mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC16X9-5M is a 9.5-152mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc16x9-5m-3c |
9.5-152mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC16X9-5M-3C is a 9.5-152mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc16x9-5mnv |
9.5-152mm Motorized Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC16X9-5MNV is a 9.5-152mm motorized zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc6x11 |
11.5-69mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC6X11 is a 11.5-69mm manual zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc6x11-2 |
11.5-69mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC6X11-2 is a 11.5-69mm manual zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc6x11m |
11.5-69mm 3-motor Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC6X11M is a 11.5-69mm 3-motor zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc6x11mnv |
11.5-69mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC6X11MNV is a 11.5-69mm manual zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc6x11nd |
11.5-69mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC6X11ND is a 11.5-69mm manual zoom lens.
SecOptx: szc6x11nv |
11.5-69mm Manual Zoom Lens
The SecOptx SZC6X11NV is a 11.5-69mm manual zoom lens.
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