
Multi-Function Surge Protector- UTP Video/RS422/12-24V Power

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The Nitek CAMUTP24 is a single channel, multi-function surge protector for unshielded twisted pair (UTP) video, RS422 twisted pair and the 24 VAC camera supply. The CAMUTP24 provides multi-stage surge protection to a single camera system and P/T/Z unit for each of these functions. The unit can be used at the camera or head end. The CAMUTP24 is ideally suited for outdoor cameras, where extreme protection on all signal connections is required. The unit has screw terminals at the input and output for connection to the UTP video and screw terminals at the inputs and outputs for connection to the RS422 and 12/24 VAC/DC power. The CAMUTP24 provides a heavy, single point ground connection and is easily installed in minutes.

CAMUTP24 features include:

  • Unique multi-stage design
  • Insertion loss < 0.2 dB
  • 2.8V clamping voltage
  • Multi-function - protects video, RS422 & camera power inputs
  • Heavy single point ground
  • Easy to install
Size 1.7"H x 4.3"W x 2.5"D
Power Requirements None required
Connection Method Video - Screw terminals
Power - Screw terminals
Control - Screw terminals
Clamping Voltage Video - 2.8V
Power - 33Vrms
Control - 4.7V
Video Insertion Loss <0.2dB
Impedance 50 or 75 ohms
Temperature -40C to 85C
Frequency DC to 10 MHz
Shipping Weight 1 lb


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