
Midwest Optical: nd030

Neutral Density: Optical Density 0.3 (T = 50%) reduces light intensity

The Midwest Optical ND030 Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity in the visible spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  ND filters can also be us...

Midwest Optical: nd060

Neutral Density OD 0.6 (T = 25%) reduces light intensity

The Midwest Optical ND060 Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity in the visible spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  ND filters can also be use...

Midwest Optical: nd090

Neutral Density, Absorp OD = 0.9 (12.5 trans.)

The Midwest Optical ND090 Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity in the visible spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  ND filters can also be use...

Midwest Optical: nd120

Visible Neutral Density OD = 1.2 (T = 6.3%)

Absorptive ND Filters for Visible (400-700nm) Applications

The Midwest Optical ND120 Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity in the visible spectr...

Midwest Optical: nd200

Neutral Density Absorption OD = 2.0 (1.0% trans)

The Midwest Optical ND200 Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity in the visible spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  ND filters can also be use...

Midwest Optical: nd300

Neutral Density Absorption OD = 3.0 (0.1% trans)

The Midwest Optical ND300 Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity in the visible spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  ND filters can also be use...

Midwest Optical: nd400

Neutral Density Absorption OD = 4.0 (0.01% trans)

The Midwest Optical ND400 Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity in the visible spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  ND filters can also be use...

Midwest Optical: ni030

Neutral Density Low Reflectivity OD = 0.3 (50% trans)

Visible/Near Infrared (Ni) Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity neutrally throughout the visible and near IR spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  Ni f...

Midwest Optical: ni060

Neutral Density Low Reflectivity OD = 0.6 (25% trans)

Visible/Near Infrared (Ni) Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity neutrally throughout the visible and near IR spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  Ni f...

Midwest Optical: ni090

Neutral Density, Low Reflectivity OD = 0.9 (12.5% trans)

Visible/Near Infrared (Ni) Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity neutrally throughout the visible and near IR spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  Ni ...

Midwest Optical: ni120

Neutral Density, Low Reflectivity OD = 1.2 (6.25% trans)

Visible/Near Infrared (Ni) Neutral Density Filters reduce light intensity neutrally throughout the visible and near IR spectrum without affecting color and contrast.  Ni f...

Midwest Optical: ni200

Neutral Density Filter Reflective 1% Transmission

The Midwest Optical Ni200 Neutral density filters can be used to reduce the amount of light reaching the camera to about average 1% transmission, thus allowing longer exposure tim...