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Found items, limited to Category: lenses. |
Seiwa: ms-509-051 |
Variable Magnification Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa MS-509-051.
Seiwa: mplan-apo10x |
M.Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan APO10x.
Seiwa: mplan-apo5x |
M.Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan APO5x.
Seiwa: mplan-apo20x |
M.Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan APO20x.
Seiwa: mplan-apo50x |
M.Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan APO50x.
Seiwa: mplan-apo100x |
M.Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan APO100x.
Seiwa: uvplan-apo20x |
UV Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa UV PlanAPO 20X.
Seiwa: uvplan-apo50x |
UV Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa UV PlanAPO 50X.
Seiwa: peirplan-apo25x |
PE IR Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa PE IR PlanAPO 2-5X.
Seiwa: peirplan-apo50x |
PE IR Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa PE IR PlanAPO 50X.
Seiwa: peirplan-apo100x |
PE IR Plan APO Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa PE IR PlanAPO 100X.
Seiwa: mplan-10xlwd11 |
Infinity M.Plan Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan10xLWD11.
Seiwa: mplan-20xlwd11 |
Infinity M.Plan Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan20xLWD11.
Seiwa: mplan-40xlwd11 |
Infinity M.Plan Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan40xLWD11.
Seiwa: mplan-20xlcd11 |
Infinity M.Plan Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa M-Plan20xLCD11.
Seiwa: dm-5x |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa DM-5X.
Seiwa: dm-10x |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa DM-10X.
Seiwa: dm-20x |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa DM-20X.
Seiwa: dm-35x |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa DM-35X.
Seiwa: dm-40x |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa DM-40X.
Seiwa: dm-50x |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa DM-50X.
Seiwa: dmplan-100xdry |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa DM Plan100XDRY.
Seiwa: plm-3 |
Finite LM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa PLM-3.
Seiwa: lm-5 |
Finite LM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa LM-5.
Seiwa: lm-10 |
Finite LM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa LM-10.
Seiwa: lm-20 |
Finite LM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa LM-20.
Seiwa: lmplan-100xdry |
Finite DM Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa LM Plan100XDRY.
Seiwa: fvl-08x-65d-c |
FVL65mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-0-8x-65D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-1x-65d-c |
FVL65mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-1x-65D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-2x-65d-c |
FVL65mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-2x-65D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-3x-65d-c |
FVL65mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-3x-65D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-4x-65d-c |
FVL65mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-4x-65D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-5x-65d-c |
FVL65mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-5x-65D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-05x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-05x-120D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-1x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-1x-120D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-2x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-2x-120D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-3x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-3x-120D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-4x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-4x-120D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-5x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-5x-120D-C.
Seiwa: fvl-6x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FVL-6x-120D-C.
Seiwa: fxl-019x-120d-c |
FXL Series - High Resolution Telecentric Lens For Megapixel Camera
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FXL-0.19X-120D-C.
Seiwa: fxl-1x-120d-c |
FXL Series - High Resolution Telecentric Lens For Megapixel Camera
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FXL-1X-120D-C.
Seiwa: fxl-2x-100d-c |
FXL Series - High Resolution Telecentric Lens For Megapixel Camera
Call or email for more information on Seiwa FXL-2X-100D-C.
Seiwa: svl-025-tcd35 |
Line Scan Camera Lens Wide & Hi Resolution Telecentric Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa SVL-025-TCD35.
Seiwa: svl-400-tc64 |
Line Scan Camera Lens Wide & Hi Resolution Telecentric Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa SVL-400-TC64.
Seiwa: svl-050x-tcd64 |
Line Scan Camera Lens Wide & Hi Resolution Telecentric Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa SVL-050X-TCD64.
Seiwa: svl-100-tcd64 |
Line Scan Camera Lens Wide & Hi Resolution Telecentric Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa SVL-100-TCD64.
Seiwa: svl-200-tcd64 |
Line Scan Camera Lens Wide & Hi Resolution Telecentric Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa SVL-200-TCD64.
Seiwa: ms-509 |
Variable Magnification Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa MS-509.
Seiwa: ms-016 |
Variable Magnification Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa MS-016.
Seiwa: ms-tv-0813d |
Variable Magnification Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa MS-TV-0813D.
Seiwa: ms-tv-0651d |
Variable Magnification Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa MS-TV-06510D.
Seiwa: msz-0745-det |
MSZ Series Zoom Lens
The Seiwa MSZ Series is compact design with Detent magnification and inner focus for 3mm. Straight type (MSZ-0745-DET) Coaxial illumination type (MSZ-0745D-DET)
Seiwa: msz-0745d-det |
MSZ Series Zoom Lens
The Seiwa MSZ Series is compact design with Detent magnification and inner focus for 3mm. Straight type (MSZ-0745-DET) Coaxial illumination type (MSZ-0745D-DET)
Seiwa: msz-03722lwd-det |
MSZ Series Zoom Lens
The Seiwa MSZ Series is compact design with Detent magnification and inner focus for 3mm. Straight type (MSZ-0745-DET) Coaxial illumination type (MSZ-0745D-DET)
Seiwa: mplan-apo2-5x |
M.Plan APO Series Objective Lens
High resolution, long working distance, bright field M.Plan APO objective lens. Equivalent to PS888 series microscope and MS-200-SHORT tube
Seiwa: peirplan-apo1x |
PE IR Plan APO Series SWIR Lens
The Seiwa PE IR APO lenses focus on a specific range of 800nm – 1600nm with long working distance with high resolution. PE IR APO is precisely color-corrected with...
Seiwa: peirplan-apo20x |
PE IR Plan APO Series SWIR Lens
Call or email for more information on Seiwa PE IR PlanAPO 2-5X.
Seiwa: mplan-10xlcd11 |
Infinity M.Plan Series Objective Lens
Compact tube (Infinity f=180mm) lens with choice of bright field Seiwa M.Plan objective
Seiwa: mplan-40xlcd11 |
Infinity M.Plan Series Objective Lens
Compact tube (Infinity f=180mm) lens with choice of bright field Seiwa M.Plan objective
Seiwa: lm-40 |
Finite LM Series Coaxial Tube Lens
Seiwa Finite LM Series of finite objective lens of mechanical tube length of 240mm. Working distance is longer than DM series objective
Seiwa: fxl-0305-vt-165 |
Variable Magnification Telecentric Lens
The Seiwa FXL-0305-VT-165 is a Variable Magnification Telecentric Lens.
Seiwa: fvl-0.8x-65d-c |
FVL65mm Series Coaxial Illumination Tube/Straight Tube Lens
Coaxial illumination tube / Straight tube WD=65mm Telecentric bonder lens. This Seiwa FVL-0.8x-65D-C is a high-resolution, low distortion lens that is suitable for image processing...
Seiwa: fvl-0.75x-120d-c |
FVL120mm Series Coaxial Illumination Tube/Straight Tube Lens
Coaxial illumination tube / Straight tube WD=65mm Telecentric bonder lens. This Seiwa FVL-0.75x-120D-C is a high-resolution, low distortion lens that is suitable for image...
Seiwa: ms-200 |
SHORT Series F200 Coaxial Tube Lens
The Seiwa MS-200 is a compact designed tube lens of infinity f=200mm, high-resolution, long working distance bright field lens. M.Plan APO lenses are available for this tube
Seiwa: ehv4411m |
1/1.8 inch 4.4-11mm Varifocal Lens
The Seiwa EHV4411M is a 1/1.8 inch 4.4-11mm Varifocal Lens. Varifocal Lens in which the focal length changes with zoom. The angle of view for these lens can be varied...
Seiwa: vhv1664m |
1 inch 16-64mm Varifocal Lens
The Seiwa VHV1664M is a 1 inch 16-64mm Varifocal Lens. Varifocal Lens in which the focal length changes with zoom. The angle of view for these lens can be varied...
Seiwa: jf7-5m-2 |
2/3 inch 7.5mm Machine Vision Lens
The Seiwa JF7.5M-2 is a 2/3 inch 7.5mm Machine Vision Lens. Machine Vision Lens with fixed focal length. Lens used for Industrial cameras for applications of Machine...
Seiwa: jf16m-2 |
2/3 inch 16mm Machine Vision Lens
The Seiwa JF16M-2 is a 2/3 inch 16mm Machine Vision Lens. Machine Vision Lens with fixed focal length. Lens used for Industrial cameras for applications of Machine...
Seiwa: jf50m |
2/3 inch 50mm Machine Vision Lens
The Seiwa JF50M is a 2/3 inch 50mm Machine Vision Lens. Machine Vision Lens with fixed focal length. Lens used for Industrial cameras for applications of Machine Vision,...
Seiwa: jhf8m-5mp |
2/3 inch 8mm 5 Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF8M-5MP is a 2/3 inch 8mm 5 Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also includes low...
Seiwa: jhf16m-5mp |
2/3 inch 16mm 5 Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF16M-5MP is a 2/3 inch 16mm 5 Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also includes low...
Seiwa: jhf25m-5mp |
2/3 inch 25mm 5 Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF25M-5MP is a 2/3 inch 25mm 5 Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also includes low...
Seiwa: jhf25m |
2/3 inch 25mm 3 Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF25M is a 2/3 inch 25mm 3 Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also includes low...
Seiwa: jhf35m |
2/3 inch 35mm 3 Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF35M is a 2/3 inch 35mm 3 Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also includes low...
Seiwa: jhf8mk |
2/3 inch 8mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF8MK is a 2/3 inch 8mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also...
Seiwa: jhf12mk |
2/3 inch 12mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF12MK is a 2/3 inch 12mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also...
Seiwa: jhf16mk |
2/3 inch 16mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF16MK is a 2/3 inch 16mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also...
Seiwa: jhf25mk |
2/3 inch 25mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens
The Seiwa JHF25MK is a 2/3 inch 25mm Low Distortion Megapixel Lens. Megapixel Lens with high resolving power for cameras with 3, 3.1 and 5 megapixel resolution. Also...
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